Sunday, July 18, 2010 - US Tour 2010 - Day 11

Oregon XC league meet again at Hadlyn so we met up with the guys at Hadlyn, similar NE flow. Wade again at Hadlyn launch. They set a task to a TP upwind along the ridge then antother at the Paisley airport then the same goal as yesterday. I launched first and found it low and slow, the others decided to opt out of the task and free flew. Peter stumbled on launching and hurt his knee, wisely decided not to relaunch. Stayed stable but both Matt and Barry flew down to Paisley where we all got together for a late lunch.
We decided to go out to Abert's rim, a huge ridge on the way back to Lakeview. We met a buddy of Conrad's, Paul on the road and he joined us. Hiked up Abert's - that was hard - but it was very light, Conrad launched and glided down
. Mattie launched as the wind increased a little and got up then Paul launched and nearly got blown over the back as the stronger lake breeze come in very quickly. Barry nealy got blown over the back but wisely aborted. Peter, Barry and I watched the wind lines steadily strengthen on the lake then walked down to find Matt, Conrad and Paul.

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