Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Pine Mountain - Day 1

A good forecast for Pine Mountain, OR persuaded Conrad, Matty, Heather, Tres, Peter and Meredith to try for a big flight. A 6:00 start from Woodrat got us to launch on Pine Mountain by 12:00.

15,000ft, good lapse rate, light wind from the N
15,000ft, blue, 10kmh N/NW
4,000+m, 3-7 ms

Pine Mountain, OR – Free flight
Open distance, 129km

Cross wind launch from the west face at 13:00
Matt Senior launched first and climbed straight to 2,700m
I followed but was slow to climb, Meredith launched then a strong thermal with some attitude took us up to 2,700m. Tres and Peter followed a little later.
Heather and Conrad wisely elected not to fly as the launch conditions were very changeable, gusting from 0 to 30kmh
We moved on and took a climb to 4000m, left this still going and followed highway 20 to the east.
Slightly cross tail wind kept us on the highway, after getting pas the power lines and establishing we found regular lift. Elected to take only 3ms unless low.
One low save at 80km above Conrad and Heather took me back to 3,400m
At 5:00 crossed a small green area where I got low again, left a 1-2ms to glide to a quarry that had previously been dust devilling.
This did not work, landed at 129km


Meredith flew 115 PB, Peter flow 160km, PB

Use the most appropriate launch.
Maintain preparation - Good forecast but suffered a radio failure and no grapes
When low / late in the day take any climb until reestablished

Jeff Huey, local guru, with partner Jane

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