Thursday, July 23, 2009 - US Tour 2009 - Day 13

An average forecast at Woodrat indicated 2100m base and winds from the SW again.
This time we stay at Woodrat where locals Rick and Hayden Glatte join us for the day.
We were not going to fly 100km here but today was definitely going to be technical and a test of our skills. I have been trying to get to Grants Pass and never yet made it, this might be the day.

Lindsay - 48km out and return
Paul - 42km out and return
Phil - 32km height 4110m
Toni - 17km
Rod - 15km
Conrad - 51km out and return
Brian - 51km out and return

NE followed by W/SW, 15-25kmh
Base 2100, blue

As expected a technical day, Grants Pass and back for most of us. Excellent flying in what was originally a meagre looking day.
Goal is the Longswords LZ, a winery that give a free glass of wine id you land at their shop. Paul and Conrad enjoy the free fare then Barb and Phil bought a couple of bottles and start a session which needs a cold swim to settle down
Joy and Conrad prepare lasagne for supper and we enjoy a balmy summer evening at Murdochville

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